Occupational healthcare

Relevant. Important. Necessary.

Accidents occur at the workplace despite improvements in health and safety. Accidents that usually occur are overexertion injuries, falls, slipping and tripping, car accidents, caught-in injuries, and compression injuries. Medical examinations and Occupational Health are important for both employees and employers.

Every occupation contains health or safety risks, and it is the employer’s responsibility to make sure their employees perform their jobs as safely as possible. Every business, company, firm or industrialist should develop a comprehensive Occupational Health and Safety policy that aligns their commitment to the Occupational Health and Safety system and maximise performance.

Dr. Siko is a qualified occupational health practitioner who provides pre-medical, periodic, and exit medical examinations to employees and health information and advice to employers about a safe and healthy working environment for employees as part of the occupational health services.



Health identification risk assessment (HIRA)


Pre-employment medical check-up


Periodic medical check-up


Exit employment medical check-up

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